Redeemer Fellowship Church

Welcome to RFC ( Redeemer Fellowship Church) as we to refer to the church. RFC is a Church driven for our love for expository preaching, sound biblical contemporary worship, seeing the ordinances for the local church (believers baptism and Lord's Supper) come to life each week when we gather together. We believe in doing life together as we gather together in homes each week for home group. In which we gather together for a meal, spend time in the word of God and pray for one another. 
Our worship service gathers together at 10am Sundays @ 5010 Pennebaker Ave, Bardstown, KY
Sunday's at RFC
  • Worship service begins at 10am.

  • RFC Kids Club Sundays release's at the beginning of the sermon to the end of the service for children in k-5th grade.

  • Dress dress as casual or formal as you prefer.

  • Our worship music is a blend of contemporary and traditional.

  • We are a small family oriented church.

  • Child care nursery/preschool is provided at the 10am service.  

  • We serve communion to believers every week.

  • You can reach out  our office or one of our Pastor/Elders with any questions.

Life at RFC


  • Biblical leadership: Elders are biblically qualified men appointed to preach, teach and shepherd the congregation

  • Deacons are men or women set apart by the Church to provide pastoral care and support to our members.

  • Expositional preaching: The Bible serves as the only authority over the church. It is God's inspired word to lead and guide the people of God.Each week we gather to hear the word of God shared verse by verse, with the main point of the text being the main point of the message.

  • Gospel centered worship: Our worship gathering is developed to Be a spirit led and God centered experience or we are gathered to sing the word of God, pray the word of God, see the word of God (the Lord's supper and baptism) and hear the word of God being preached.

  • Disciples making disciples: Christians are to be disciple makers. We gather together in community groups to pray for one another, to serve one another and to meet one another's needs. Also to study scripture together.

  • Meaningful membership: Members Enter into a covenant together. We agreed to hold one another accountable and to support each other during times of struggle and crisis.